The Park Headquarters is the coordinating and Administrative Secretariat of the National Park Service in Nigeria. It is located along Nnamdi Azikiwe International Airport Expressway, Abuja, about one kilometer from the City Gate, opposite the Eid Prayer Ground and adjacent to the Military Cemetery. It occupies a land area of 11,665 hectares, lying approximately between 9.00N and 9.05N, and 7.25E and 7.30E.
The two-storeyed building complex houses the office of the Conservator-General/Chief Executive of the National Park Service, and four Departments, viz: Park Engineering & maintenance, Finance & Administration, Park Protection and Conservation, and Ecological Tourism (Ecotourism). There are also two specialized units in operation in the complex; Management Information and the Internal Audit.
It is a natural land area of 11.665 acres adjacent the National Park Headquarters 75%. This facility, along with the orphanage rehabilitation Pen attached to it, is being developed and stocked with some visitor-friendly wild animals such as Duikers, Ostriches, Crown Crane, Porcupines, Bush fowls, primates, Peacocks, Parrots, in addition to the wildlife endemic to that area, for public appreciation and enjoyment.
Nature trails and concrete seats have been provided for visitors, and the available ponds regularly replenished with water for the inmates. Apart from serving as a tool for public education and enlightenment, the Mini-Park is also a field/nature laboratory for scientific researchers.
Floral Composition
The natural vegetation within the Mini-Park and the National Park Headquarters surrounding, and the arboretum, is typical of the Southern Guinea Savanna with a mixed formation of trees, shrubs, perennial grasses and other herbaceous plants. Dominant species at the upper storey include Parkia biglobosa, Daniellia oliveri, Vitellaria paradoxum and Prosopis africana. The woody plants found in the under storey are Piliostigma thonningii,Terminalia macroptera, and Nauclea latifolia, while the dominant grass/herbs include Andropogen gayanus and Eupathorium adoratum. Sixteen woody plants and eleven herbaceous plants have so far been identified.
Fauna Composition
Based on survey conducted within the Mini Park, the dominant endemic fauna species identified could be grouped into four categories, viz; birds, mammals, reptiles and insects. The birds include Francolinus bicalcartus, Streptopelia decipiens, Oriolus auratus, Dicrurus adsinuli, Ceyx picta and Nigrita fusconota. The mammals are Lepus whytei, and the fruit bat, while the reptiles noticed include the green snake and lizards. Common insects are dragon fly, butterfly and mosquitoes.
Adjoining the Mini-Park is an arboretum established to play significant roles in both in-situ and ex-situ conservation of genetic resources for research, educational, medicinal and other scientific purposes. Comfortable concrete seats have been provided within the arboretum for visitors’ relaxation, meditation and quiet study of the environment.
The Gazebo (bush hut)
A big round-hut popularly known as the Gazebo, an Italian name for bush hut, constructed and donated to the National Park Service by Asea Brown Boveri (ABB) Nig. Ltd (an Electrical giant), is part of its contribution towards boosting conservation and recreation. It is meant for catering and entertainment.
The Park Headquarters is hooked to the National Electricity Grid, and thus, there is constant supply of electricity and water, backed up by 40KVA stand-by electricity generating plant and water bore-hole, which can effectively run management’s various programmes that are being proposed.
Though there are no recreational facilities on the premises of the Park Headquarters at the moment, students and pupils do visit the premises on educational trips.