Significant Ecological Sites and Ecotourism Attractions
Nigeria’s National Parks have a wide variety of interesting sites; e.g .Cultural, Historical, Archacological unique ecosystems, and other biophysical attractions for all types and classes of visitors including scientists and researchers. Visitors are therefore invited to brouse the section on unit Parks and make their own choice(s)of the park in advance for eventual visits.
Collaboration for Sustainable Development.
The National Park Service collaborates with both the Public and the Private sectors including the local communities in order to:
- Cautiously develop and sustainably manage the various Parks ecotourism, anthropogenic and ecological resources;
- Plan, develop and regulate ecotourism activities through monitoring & evaluation/EIA for ecological sustainability for the present and future generations.
- Ensure the Licensing, classification, upgrading and upholding the quality of ecotourism facilities and services for client satisfaction and professionalism in partnership with the Federal Ministry of Culture, Tourism and National Orientation and the Nigerian Tourism Development Corporation.
Similarly, Conservation-oriented Non-Governmental Organizations such as the Nigerian Conservation Foundation/Worldwide Fund for Nature – United Kingdom (NCF/WWF-UK) and Gashaka Primate Project (GPP) are being encouraged to promote ecotourism through publications of tourist information literatures, multi-media involvement and contacts with various Field Societies, Travel Agencies, Tour Operators, Tourism Facilitators, etc, both at home and abroad.
Active participation, consultation and dialogue among relevant stake-holders like the Federal Ministry of Culture, Tourism and National Orientation, The Nigerian Tourism Development Corporation (NTDC), Federation of Tourism Associations of Nigeria (FTAN), New Partnership for Africa’s Development (NEPAD) and the Africa Travel Association (ATA) are the focus and guiding partners for developing and realizing the ecotourism potentials and promotion of the Nigeria National Parks.
Welcome To Our Heritage
You are welcome to Nigeria National Parks. All visitors are advised to conclude registration and other formalities with the concerned Park authorities before entering and pursuing any activities (recreational, research, etc) in the Parks. Visitors are kindly expected to comply with all Park rules and regulations as they are for their own safety and security. Park Officials such as interpreters, researchers/scientists, armed ranger escorts, etc., would be on hand to guide and protect visitors while on tour of the Parks. It is advisable also for the interested visitors to make their booking in advance.
Always remember that the National Parks are home to wildlife including insects and flies, and that they have the right of way within and around the Parks, the right to life just as you do.